NextPage Software
software and web development company
General all purpose Windows programming in C++, C# (.Net)insert_chart
Scientific programming in R and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)web
Web application development on client-side (JavaScript) and server-side (Python)Projects

Estimating the burden of communicable diseases by applying composite health measures (DALYs: Disability Adjusted Life Years) in order to summarize the overall burden in one single metric and therefore to compare the relative burden of each communicable disease.
Windows™ desktop application with calculation engine written in C++ and the interface developed in JavaScript. Main development platform: Qt.

The seroincidence calculator tool for human Salmonella and Campylobacter infections utilises the combination of serum antibody levels at a given point in time to estimate the time since seroconversion, which in turn gives an estimate of annual ‘force of infection’ in the tested population.
R package (published to CRAN). Main development platform: RStudio.

The HIV Modelling Tool provides estimates of the number of people living with HIV, including those undiagnosed.
Windows™ desktop application with calculation engine written in C and the interface developed in C# using .Net framework.

Data Demand Model aims at development of a data storage model and software for population of Quarterly Reporting Templates (QRTs) of a trade credit insurance company, Atradius.
The database is implemented in Oracle SQL and the software managament part is developed in R.